The Morning Star of Pentecost

This Pentecost Sunday, May 31, get up early and spend a little time with the Morning Star of Pentecost.

On Pentecost Sunday we celebrate the birthday of the Church which happened on the Jewish Feast day of Pentecost in 30 AD. As a Jewish Feast, Pentecost looked back to the giving of the law on Mount Sinai and, as a feast of First Fruits of Harvest (Exodus 34:22), looked forward to the Church as first fruits of the saved. Pentecost for the followers of Jesus brought the Holy Spirit, which wrote the law on their hearts (Jeremiah 31:33), with 3,000 saved that day (Acts 2:41). And the sign of the Holy Spirit was speaking in tongues (Acts 2:4).

In the revelation of Jesus in the Stars, which we call the Star Bible, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is represented by the constellation Aquarius (“The Water Bearer”)   The constellation pictures a man pouring water representing the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost (see John 7:37-39). Stars named Sadalsuud (The Pourer Out) and Sadalmalik (The Record of the Pouring Out) confirm this understanding, while the Star Meon (Urn) is always pictured as pouring out the water of the Holy Spirit.

Follow the outpoured water down to the next constellation, Pisces Austranis (“The Southern Fish”) for the rest of the story. We know that the fish is an ancient symbol of the believers, and the single fish of Pisces Austranis represents the Jewish Believers who received the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues at Pentecost in 30 AD. The outpoured water of Aquarius flows down to the bright Star Formalhaut (“The Mouth of the Fish”) in confirmation that the Holy Spirit flowed through the mouth, as the sign of the Holy Spirit was speaking in tongues. Thus we may call Fomalhaut the Pentecostal Star.

Fomalhaut will be visible in the Southern sky in the hours before dawn on Pentecost Sunday, becoming the Morning Star of Pentecost. Also contained in the constellation Aquarius is the red planet Mars, which represents the Blood of Jesus and reminds us that the promise of the Holy Spirit is available to all who are saved by the Blood of the Lamb (Acts 2:39).

So get up early on Pentecost Sunday for the Morning Star of Pentecost. Pray for a new infilling of the Holy Spirit and a deeper revelation of Jesus.


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