The Unity Eclipse

Next week on July 2 there will be a total solar eclipse covering a narrow pathway from the South Pacific Ocean through Chile and Argentina to the Atlantic Ocean.

During a solar eclipse the Moon covers the Sun, turning it dark. On the day of Pentecost the Apostle Peter, quoting from the Prophet Joel, described solar and lunar eclipses is as signs of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit during the Church Age, saying “the sun will be turned into darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord” (Acts 2:20). In our book The Mystery of the Blood Moons we show how the Blood Moon Tetrads have been associated with the expansion and revival in the Church. For example, the Blood Moon Tetrad at 1967-68 was a sign of the Charismatic Revival, which has produced 600 million believers. It is becoming clear that the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014 – 2015 is a sign of a new revival based on the unity of the Church.

The upcoming Dark Sun of the July 2 eclipse will occur within the constellation Gemini, which was known to the Hebrews as “the United.“ The constellation pictures two men, one whom has the star Pollux (He Who Comes to Suffer) at his head, while the other has the star Castor (the Ruler). The figures are united because they show the First and Second Coming to be united in the person of Jesus. But the Christian believers are also invited to be united with Jesus in His prayer of John 17:20-21. Jesus then went on to pray that the believers would be united with each other so the world will know Him (John 17:22-23). Thus, unity of Christ and Christians is implicit in the message of Gemini, the United.

The earthly path of the Dark Sun also has an echo of Christian unity as it passes close to Buenos Aires. It was here that Catholic leader Matteo Calisi began working with Cardinal Bergoglio for Christian unity in Argentina. The Cardinal became Pope Francis in 2013 and in 2014, first year of the Blood Moon Tetrad, He sent out the famous video of reconciliation to Kenneth Copeland. This video exploded into a movement of national and international reconciliation which continues to this day.

The July 2 Eclipse, like the Blood Moons of 2014-2015, Jesus’ prayer in John 17, and the Buenos Aires movement, is an invitation to participate in Christian unity and revival. Here in America you can join the unity revival by participating with us in the upcoming Kairos 2019 conference to be held October 3-5, 2019 at Christ for the Nations in Dallas, Texas. See our website,, for details.

We Americans won’t be able to see the Unity Eclipse, but we can still follow the signs in the Heavens to be part of the answer to Jesus’ prayer for unity.


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