Looking Ahead

The New Year is a good time for most of us to look ahead. The stars of the Zodiacal constellation Aries (The Ram), which are visible overhead in the evening, give a useful roadmap to the future.


Aries itself is a picture of a slain lamb, as attested by the name of its two distinctive stars El Nath (Wounded) and Sheratan (Bruised). However, this is not a picture of defeat, but of victory. This is the Lamb of Revelation 6, found worthy to open the seals of the future. Aries represents the promised victory of Christ.


The defeated enemies of Christ are shown in the constellations Cetus (The Sea Monster) and Perseus (The Breaker). Cetus is a picture of the seven headed beast of Revelation 13 and 17, representing the Nations which have fought against God. The feet of Cetus are in the constellation Eridanus (The River of Fire), a fate promised to God’s enemies in Revelation 21. The future of the leaders of the national rebellion against God and the Anti-Christ himself is shown in the constellation Perseus (The Breaker). Perseus is pictured as a man, symbolic of Christ, carrying the severed head of the evil one, as represented by the star Algol (Evil Spirit).


As God has promised to destroy His enemies, so He has promised to restore His chosen people Israel. The nation has suffered much for its rejection of Christ, as pictured in the constellation Andromeda (The Chained Woman). Yet the constellation Cassiopeia (the Enthroned Woman) tells us that God will keep His promise to make Jerusalem the capital of the World. (Is 60:1-12)


If you take your binoculars and look directly overhead at about 9:00 PM, you will see the constellation Perseus. Following the western most arc of stars in Perseus toward the south you will see the famous Pleides star cluster, which is part of the Taurus (The Bull) constellation telling of the return of Christ. Just to the west of the Pleides is Aries, which is recognizable by its two bright stars El Nath (Wounded) and Sheratan (Bruised). Just to the south of Aries are the fairly faint stars of Cetus. And finally, the distinctive “W” of stars in Cassiopeia appears to the north of the Zenith point.                 The stars of the Promised Victory are not as bright as the stars of the Second Coming, represented by such bright constellations as Orion (Coming Forth as Light) which are rising in the East. But they tell a beautiful and powerful story, and give us hope that a brighter day is coming.


In the end, we win. Have happy New Year.

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