Experiencing the Joys and Terrors of Working for Yourself

Have you ever wondered how great it would feel to wake up in the morning and not face that long commute to punch a clock? Have you also thought about the terror of wondering if you could pay your bills next month? You may be ready to think about working for yourself.


According to an Associated Press article by Joyce Rosenburg, there are 30 million small businesses in the US. Of those only 19% have employees other than the owner. Two thirds of the other 81%, about 16 million, depend on the business as their primary support while about 8 million combine the small business with other jobs. Some 6 million started their own business because they could not find a job.


Those statistics show that not all small business owners are gung-ho entrepreneurs. Some owners use their small business to supplement other income, perhaps while developing their business, while others were forced into small business by circumstances. And not all small business owners are getting rich, with 60% grossing under $100,000 per year and over half reporting financial problems and eating their cost increases.


So if you are still thinking of being your own boss, do it with your eyes wide open:

  1. First seek the Lord. We believe that God wants you to prosper and has a plan of provision for everyone. You will need assurance from God when the terrors of working for yourself come against you.
  2. Do not be afraid to keep your day job while you grow a small business. In our experience you cannot succeed without faith, and often it grows little by little as you move from strength to strength.
  3. Make sure that the business you want to enter meets the desires of your heart. In order to succeed you will work much harder than you ever have, and you will not have the drive you need unless you love your work.
  4. Remember that you are in business to meet the needs of your customers. Serve them, love them, and they will love you.
  5. Count the cost. Most small businesses that fail do so because of lack of finances.
  6. Protect your family. Limit your liability through corporate structure, tax planning, and insurance. And don’t borrow against your home.
  7. Don’t quit. A friend once said “I heard it was easier to make your second million, but I thought I would still have my first million.” Discouragement is the only real weapon the devil has, so stay in the game for that second million.


Above all, remember God, “For it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth and so confirms His covenant” (Deuteronomy 8:18).

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