The Trumpets Eclipse


Tomorrow, September 1, there will be a total Solar Eclipse which will be visible across central Africa.

In order to understand the heavenly message conveyed by Solar and Lunar Eclipses it is important to understand their interaction with the Lunar calendar of Israel, which is the only calendar which God established. We have written extensively in the past two years about the four lunar eclipses on the Feasts of Passover and Tabernacles of 2014 and 2015 as a sign of revival in the Church. Our book The Mystery of the Blood Moons is available on Amazon and other book retailers.

Solar Eclipses, which occur at the New Moon on the first day of the Lunar month, also play an important part in the Jewish religious calendar. There was a New Moon Feast at the beginning of every month, also known as the Feast of the “Born Again”. Since the Moon is the “Faithful witness in the Sky” (Psalm 89:37), a symbol of the Believers, the new Moon Feasts looked forward prophetically to the Coming of Christ when believers were born again of the Spirit. The first day of the Seventh Lunar month is one of the major feast days, the Feast of Trumpets, which prophetically pictures the Second Coming of Christ. In addition, the first day of the Sixth Lunar month begins the 40 day Jewish repentance season of the Teshuvah, which ends on the Day of Atonement.

The Solar Eclipse of September I comes in a year when there is a divergence between the Christian Lunar calendar, which is based on the ancient Israelite calendar, and the Rabbinical calendar which was developed after the Jewish diaspora (See the accompanying Blog dated August 31,2016: “The Trumpet of September 1”). This year the Rabbinical calendar celebrates Trumpets, also known as Rosh Hashanah, a month later than the Christian date of September 1. Therefore, this eclipse should be understood in conjunction with the Feast of Trumpets. It is a warning and a reminder to us that Christ is coming back to judge the world and claim His Bride, the Church.

Next year there will be a spectacular Solar Eclipse visible only in the United States on the first day of the Jewish season of repentance, Teshuvah, August 21, 2017. This eclipse is a sign of God’s call to the Church to repent, return to Him, unite, and heal our land. We will soon be releasing a new book calling people to prayer and repentance during Teshuvah of 2017.

In response to the Trumpets Eclipse of 2016 we say “Even so, come Lord Jesus”. It is also a warning to take seriously the season of repentance God is calling us to during Teshuvah 2017.           

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