Atonement in the Heavens

This year the Hebrew Feast of Yom Kipper, the Day of Atonement, comes with a display of atonement in the Heavens.


The Day of Atonement was a time on the Jewish calendar established by God when the high priest made atonement for the sins of the people during the past year (Leviticus 16). The high priest made a sacrifice and then symbolicy placed the sins of the people on the head of a scapegoat and sent the goat out to the desert. This ceremony was a prophetic picture of the atonement for our sins made once and forever by Jesus (Hebrew 9:6-14).


The atonement of Christ is represented in the Heavens by the constellation Capricorn (The Goat) which reaches its highest level in the southern sky at about 9:00pm. Capricorn is a picture of a dying goat, as is confirmed by the star names Algedi: (The Goat), Dabih (The Sacrifice Slain), and Deneb Algedi (The Sacrifice Comes). This picture of Christ’s sacrifice is enhanced in the associated constellation Aquila (The Eagle), whose stars Altair (The Wounding), Alcair (The Piercing), and Alokal (Wounded in the Heel), remind us of the Genesis 3:15 prophecy of Christ’s wounding in the heel and His piercing on the cross.


Capricorn was also a sign of the Advent of Christ. From the time of Abraham until about 7BC the constellation was the home of the Winter Solstice, when the sun is at its lowest part of the the year and symbolizes the advent of Christ (See Hosea 6:3). In 7BC, at the time when the angel appeared to Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, the Winter Solstice moved into Sagittarius (the Archer), which is the sign of the advent of Christ. Two years later, the Star of Bethlehem appeared in the Northern Cross to announce the birth of Christ. The star was located along the boundary between Capricorn and Sagittarius. For more information take a free download of our book The Stars of His Coming at (


On the night of Yom Kipper, October 8, the Moon will be in the Eastern portion Capricorn. The Moon, the Faithful Witness in the sky (Psalm 89:37), represents the Believers. We are thus invited to enter in to the atonement provided by the sacrifice and Blood of Jesus.


So look to the South at 9:00 pm on the Day of Atonement, October 9, to celebrate your salvation. And don’t forget to tell a friend about the atonement pictured in the Heavens.




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