Another Heavenly Message

This week the Comet 46P/Wirtanen, which came within 7.2 million miles of Earth last December, again be visible will make its exit from the inner solar system.

In earlier times comets were thought to be portents from Heaven, often bringing bad tidings. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah has been attributed by some scientists to the action of a comet or meteor, similar to the devastation visited on a wide area of Siberia by a 1908 meteor strike. Josephus mentions a comet that stood over Jerusalem, perhaps Halley’s comet in 66 AD, as a sign of its coming destruction.

We believe that comets are like celestial pointers, sending a message as they move through the constellations of the Star Bible, and this Comet is no exception. On December 17 as it came close to Earth it was passing by the Pleiades Star Cluster. This cluster’s name means “Congregation of the Ruler” and it represents those who will meet Christ in the air when He returns. On December 21 the Comet moved through the two stars in Auriga (The Shephard) known as the Haedi, meaning “The Kids”, which represent the Jews and Gentiles, constituting the Church, who will reign with Christ the Good Shephard when He returns.

Now the Comet is moving through Ursa Major (The Greater Sheepfold) known popularly as the Big Dipper, but also known to the Hebrews as “The Assembled Together”, representing the Church. The name of the star at the end of the handle of the Dipper, Alkaid, also means “Assembly”, the very name of the Church in Greek. Ursa Major is associated with the Zodiacal Constellation Cancer (The Holding Place) which represents the home of God’s people in Heaven.

It was just over two weeks ago that another celestial sign appeared in the constellation Cancer (The Holding Place) – a super Blood Moon. In the Bible the Moon is the faithful witness in the sky, symbolic of the Believers, (Psalm 89:37) while the Sun symbolizes Christ the Bridegroom and Champion (Psalm 19:4-5). The Apostle Peter, quoting from the Prophet Joel, included Blood Moons in the signs of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the time of salvation before Christ returns (Acts 2:17-21). The red color of the Moon reminds us that we are covered by the Blood of the Lamb and have overcome Satan by our witness and the Blood of the Lamb (Revelation 12:11).

Following the path of the Comet through the constellations, there is a strong theme of God’s favor and protection for the believers. Movement through the Pleiades (The Congregation of the Ruler) shows how God will bring His followers to himself at the Second Coming. The passage through the Haedi (The Kids) speak to God’s protection and promise that the Church will rule with Christ when He returns. Finally, the entry into Ursa Major (The Assembled Together) reminds us of our home in Heaven with God. And the recent Blood Moon reinforces the message that the Church will overcome Satan to rule, reign, and live with God forever.

The Comet can be seen almost directly to the North of Cancer. It was the brightest comet of 2018 but is still barley visible at the 7th magnitude, so you will need to use your binoculars to find it.


So enjoy a little good news from the Comet tonight and don’t forget to tell a friend about God’s promise of everlasting life.





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