The Judgment of the Scorpion

On November 20, 2015 the Star Bible’s third chapter is opened as the constellation

Scorpio (“The Scorpion”) moves into the Sun.


The constellation Scorpio and its associated constellations of Serpens (The Serpent) and

Ophiuchus (The Serpent Held) present the picture of a giant man holding a Serpent and standing over a Scorpion. The man we know to be Christ because of the star Saiph

(Bruised) in his foot identifying him as the “Seed of Woman” who was bruised in the heel (Genesis 3:15). The Serpent is also easily recognized from the Genesis story as Satan, and he is shown to be restrained by Christ in the age prior to the advent of Christ.


The Scorpion is a picture of rebellious men (see Ez 2:6) who rejected God’s offer of redemption through the Seed of Woman (Chapter 1: Virgo) and God’s pre-Christian system of religious observance (Chapter 2: Libra). The message is amplified by the bright red star

Antares (The Wounding) which indicates that rebellious men would wound the Seed of Woman in the heel. This rebellion of Scorpio has continued through the ages.


But God will not allow rebellion to continue forever. In 2519 BC, the year that the sign of rebellion, Scorpio, was moved into the season of judgment, Fall, by the precession of the equinoxes, God sent a great catastrophe on the earth known as Noah’s flood. Only the righteous man Noah and his family survived. Sadly, Noah’s decedents also rebelled against God. We are now waiting on the sign of Christ’s final judgment, Leo (The Lion) to enter the Fall season of judgment as our age comes to a close. That time is not too far off.


This warning of judgment is brought home by two meteor showers which will overlap this week. The Leonid meteor shower on November 17 and 18 comes from Leo (the Lion) and reinforces the message that Christ’s final judgment and victory over evil is coming soon. The Taurid meteor shower is active this week through November 25, coming from Taurus (The Bull), the sign of Christ’s second coming. Those meteor showers, the remnants of comets, are not so subtle reminders that Earth has been in the path of potentially destructive comets which could have been the cause of the Noah disaster and could play a part in the shaking of the Earth when Christ returns. (See Rev 16:18-21)


Yet we do not need to fear these terrible judgments, because Christ has paid our price (See our Blog of 10/16/14 “The Martian Comet”).


We can look up to the sky in eager anticipation, awaiting our deliverance from the Judgment of the Scorpion.



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