Comet to Comfort the Church

On July 3, 2020 astronomers were caught off guard when the brightest comet in 25 years, known as Comet Neowise, burst out of the Sun’s glare into the morning sky.


The Comet had been spotted by Nasa’s Neowise infrared telescope in March but no one expected to be bright enough to be seen with the naked eye. Then it lit up the early morning sky along the Northwestern horizon, and will remain visible in the Morning Sky until July 18. Interestingly, it also became visible in the Northwestern evening sky on July 12, and will climb higher and higher until its orbit takes it out of the visibility range in mid-August. Currently the Comet is easily visible at a magnitude of 1.5 to 2 and features a visible tail covering 5 Degrees.


We consider comets, novas and other unusual events to be Celestial Messengers conveying a message by drawing attention to constellations in The Star Bible or events. The most famous Celestial Messenger was the Star of Bethlehem, which occurring at a spot in the Heavens indicating the Messiah had come. Another example is the bright comet of 25 years ago which appeared in the constellation Virgo, where the Blood Moon of March 23, 5BC announced the birth of Christ, and celebrated the 2000th anniversary of the Star of Bethlehem. For more information take a free download of our book The Stars of His Coming at:


Comet Neowise appeared in the midst of the Coronavirus plague, which we believe to be a judgement from God against our modern idols like science, medicine, money, government, and sports. These idols have been humbled and shown to be powerless in the same way that God humbled the Gods of Egypt at the Exodus, starting with the god of the Nile River and ending with Pharaoh’s first born son, a False Messiah.


Yet the message of Comet Neowise is one of hope to the believers. It first appeared in the constellation Auriga (The Shepheard), a picture of the Christ the Good Shepheard protecting His flock from the judgments of the Second Coming. Auriga reminds us that “The Lord knows how to rescue godly men from trials and to hold the unrighteous for the Day of Judgment, while continuing their punishment” (2 Peter 2:9). Just as God made a place of refuge in the land of Goshen to protect the Israelites from the last seven plagues of Egypt, so He will protect His people today.


After the Comet leaves Auriga it moves into the constellation Ursa Major which had the ancient meaning of “The Assembled Together.” Star names like Alkaid, meaning The Assembly, a name for the Church, let us know that the constellation represents the Heavenly home of God’s Church. Ursa Major tells us that as we reach the end of this earthly life we will enter into eternal life with God in Heaven. Death has lost its sting, and that is the ultimate message of comfort to the Church.


If you should be up before dawn on July 17 and 18, the Comet will be visible on the horizon. Moving toward the South you will Venus, the Bright Morning Star which represents Jesus (Revelation 22:16) dominating the planet Mercury, the Morning Star Laid Low (Isaiah 14:12), a picture of the defeat of Satan. Venus stands next to Aldeberan (The Governor) in Taurus (The Bull) picturing the return of Christ in triumph as the Ruler. The Moon, the Faithful Witness in the Sky (Psalm 89:37) moves through Taurus past Venus on July 17 and 18, further testifying to the fact that the Church will triumph along with Jesus.


Comet Neowise brings the comforting message that we are blessed in this life, will live forever with God, and will triumph over evil with Jesus.


So find Comet Neowise and tell someone how God is forever faithful.






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