Racing Toward the Tabernacles Blood Moon

As the Moon moves towards the fourth Blood Moon of the 2014-2015 Blood Moon tetrad on the night of September 27-28, it will blaze a message across the sky leading up to the Hebrew Feast of Tabernacles.

In the pre-dawn hours of September 10 the waning crescent Moon will move between the planets Venus (The Seed of Woman) and Mars (The Blood of Christ). On the next morning, September 11, the Moon will be next to the bright star, Regulus (Treading Underfoot) in Leo (The Lion). This grouping is very similar to the July 18 grouping of Venus (The Seed of Woman), Jupiter (the Suffering Savior), Regulus (Treading Underfoot), the Moon (The Believers), and the Panstarras C 2014 QI Comet. The July 18 message was a severe warning of coming judgment, with a reminder that salvation remains available to those who seek God (See our Blog of July 15, 2015, “Comets Real and Imagined”). In the September grouping the comet is gone and Jupiter too close to the sun to be visible. They are replaced by the planet Mars (The Blood of Christ) which prefigures the Blood Moon message of overcoming evil by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (Rev 12:11).

The Moon passes Jupiter (The Suffering Savior) just before dawn on September 12, but both it and Jupiter will be very difficult to see. The next morning, September 13, the Moon remains in Leo (The Lion) as it enters into the Feast of Trumpets. There is no solar eclipse on that date as there was on the first day of Spring just prior to Passover Blood Moon of 2015 (See our Blog of March 18, 2015 “Spring Signs”). However, the darkness of the Moon itself reminds us that the day of the Lord, symbolized by the Feast of Trumpets, is a day of darkness (See Joel 2:31 and Amos 5:20). The position of the new Moon in Leo (The Lion), the Zodiacal judgment constellation, reinforces the message that judgment is coming. Yet the presence of Mars (The Blood of Christ) reminds us that “all who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved”(See the Blood Moon passage in Acts 2:20-21).

After the Feast of Trumpets the Moon will move into Capricorn (The Goat), a picture of Christ’s atoning sacrifice, on the Hebrew Day of Atonement, September 22. Then, as the Moon moves towards its Blood Moon message for the Church on the Feast of Tabernacles, it will move into Pisces (The Fish), the picture of the Church.

We are all looking forward to the Tabernacles Blood Moon of 2015.

Just don’t miss the message the Moon is sending on its way there.


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