Noah and the Bull

            This week the Sun will enter the constellation Taurus (The Bull) on May 18.

            Taurus is the ninth Chapter of the Star Bible and is the sign of the Second Coming of Christ. Taurus is a picture of a bull, an ancient symbol of strength. Its bright Star Aldeberan (The Governor) reminds us that Christ will indeed return in strength to rule, with the bright star cluster the Hyades (The Congregated) representing the armies of Heaven returning with Him. The bright constellation Orion (Coming Forth as Light) pictures Christ the warrior preparing to crush the Serpent beneath his feet, and releasing the constellation Eridanus (The River of Fire) upon his enemies. The third constellation, Auriga (The Shepherd), shows Christ’s care for His people, as a shepherd protecting them in the time of judgment.

Taurus contains a historical inflection point on its border with the tenth chapter of the Star Bible, Gemini, (which represents Christ’s reign on Earth). This area contains the outermost point of our galaxy, where the Sun was located on the first day of Noah’s Flood. As such, this point represents God’s judgment poured out on an evil world and is a reminder that Christ’s Return will come as in the days of Noah (Matt 24, 37-39). In fact, the movement of the Summer Solstice into this point in Taurus, scheduled to occur in the year 2121, is one of the main signs of Christ’s Return in the Sun, Moon, and Stars.

As God provided protection for Noah and his family in the Ark, so God will provide for His people in the Day of Judgment (2 Pe 2:9). The Ark of protection for God’s people is the Church, and the Sun was also at the outermost point of the galaxy on the Feast of Pentecost in 30 AD when the Church was born. This protection is also the message of the constellation Auaiga (The Shepherd)

Early this evening in the Northwest, almost touching the horizon, you can find the constellation Aurga (The Shepherd) reminding us of the Grace and protection available in the midst of Judgment.

Tonight enjoy the view and tell someone that there is still time to end up safe in the Ark like Noah.

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